Wellness Coach |
L I E N T S ' F E E D B A C K
am retired with disability. Yoga with Shelley has helped my low back problem
(lying down with radiation into legs at times). Even though I could not
attend all classes last year and first of this year due to medical problems,
yoga has helped me with strength and flexibility. Since I am extremely
tense when I arrive, I am relaxed when I leave, but just get stressed
again by the time I get home, although I can become relaxed again. It
depends upon situation. But I just try to practice breathing. My blood
pressure is down. I do not think it has all to do with medication. I think
yoga has a great effect.
only thing I have difficulty with besides movement is my respirations
and slower. Therefore it takes me a little time for the next breath.
If I attempt to breath more quickly I feel light headed. I think I am
benefiting from the sessions. Thank you. I am very pleased with Dr. Wu. Impressed, is really the word I want to use. I had a real phobia and experienced a panic attack last year from seeing roaches in a photo. After my treatment I have seen them in pictures and hardly even noticed. I traveled to a humid weather location and was able to see the bugs on the street and calmly move away without being afraid. It is such a relief to not be afraid of something after 30 years of "freaking out" over it. Specially
for a person like me, I am an engineer, very rational and analytical
but that was the one thing I could not rationalize or understand it
was just uncontrollable fear and prior attempts to resolve it were worthless.
I saw Dr. Wu for a few months and I am good for life. Dr. Wu has helped
me with overcoming phobia to roaches and developing healthy eating habits.
Wu has made me a believer in the process of hypnotherapy. She listens,
understands and designs a very specific approach toward solutions to
your problems. She is awesome and I am so grateful for her help. I would
recommend her wholeheartedly and hope to continue to work with her.
Issues Dr. Wu helped me with: Confidence, calm, organization, focus,
career, health, diet. Dr.
Shelley Wu has been a life-saver for me. I first saw her for hypnotherapy
sessions regarding my high-anxiety, low self-esteem, and severe procrastination.
These were manifesting themselves in my inability to complete my very
overdue graduate school assignments, and my timidity in pursuing the
executive positions of higher responsibility I have been wanting to
pursue. My mental block and fear were holding me back and putting the
brakes on my life. I just couldn't get off the sidelines and into the
game. Well, after six hypnotherapy sessions and three yoga sessions
something clicked, because I finally sat down, completed my assignments,
and will receive my Masters degree in a few weeks. In addition, I started
an aggressive job search for a private sector executive position with
much higher responsibilities, rewards, and a better future than my present
Civil Service job. Thanks to Dr. Wu I'm now off the sidelines and back
in the game. Thank You Dr. Wu. I have been practicing yoga in addition to my regular work outs for about two years now. I like it very much because it not only can increase my flexibility, improve my posture but also reduce stress and experience positive changes on mind and emotions. Another reason why I like yoga is that I can practice it at any time and any where, especially when I travel. It is very convenient for me. Shelley
is the best teacher I have known. She gives you detailed instructions
on how to get into a posture and how to get out of a posture, so you
don't hurt yourself. She also tells you the benefit of each different
posture, so you know what to practice when you need them. Dr.
Wu has helped me quit smoking. Dr.
Wu has helped me with stopping nail biting and strengthening personal
motivation. Dr. Wu has an extraordinary and unique method. She not only
educates you, but helps you see things in life that we normally let
pass by. With her personal touch, you feel like you are floating on
heaven's cloud and she is like your guardian angel. I highly recommend
Dr. Wu for anybody, anytime! I
worked with Dr Wu for well over a year. She definitely helped me and
there is no doubt that I made significant improvements during our time
working together. As a yoga instructor, she helped me overcome and improve
upon several physical challenges that I face. As a hypnotherapist, she
helped me eliminate some bad nutritional habits and live a healthier
lifestyle. My life is better because of her. Shelley
has introduced the concept and basic method of Yoga to me. It was an
eye-opening experience for me. I am interest in maintaining and expanding
my range of motion. I have achieved significant results since I start
to practice with her. Her Yoga methods also helped to reduce my knee
pain so that I can be more active in other sports. I
think overall that hypnosis really helped me... Thank you so much for
your wonderful support and guidance. This was my first experience with
hypnosis which I think is truly an art and science. I plan to continue
my endeavor and will keep you posted in the future. My
reason for seeking Yoga and Hypnotherapy was to help with depression
and the weight gain that followed from medicating myself with food.
I can say after 7 session with Dr. Wu, I feel as if I have a new lease
on life. I have so far lost 26 lbs and have achieved a level of confidence
and well-being not felt in many years. The cycle of eating junk foods-weight
gain-depression-more junk food have seemed to disapear and replaced
with urges for fruits, vegitables, water and exercise. Dr. Wu's expertise,
knowledge, and understanding is exceptional. I could not recommend anyone
more. Dr.
Wu has helped me with public speaking. Once upon a time, I was an extremely
shy young woman who would sink low into her chair to avoid being noticed.
Through life experiences and professional growth I became more comfortable
speaking in front of small groups of people. The more I spoke, the more
confident I became in my knowledge and message. From time to time I
had a speaking experience that left me doubting my ability to be a public
speaker: my hands would shake, my mouth would get dry, I focused more
on people's reaction to me rather than on my presentation. After being
an independent businessowner for a couple years, I made the decision
to expand my services by incorporating community education and continuing
education courses for attorneys, CPAs and licensed financial/insurance
professionals into my business. While I felt extremely confidant with
my subject knowledge, I did not feel completely confident in my abilities
as a presenter. Having utilized a hypnotherapist in the past (for an
unrelated purpose), I enlisted the professional help of Dr. Wu to help
me gain focus and the confidence required to give a successful presentation.
Her natural ability to listen and put your fears at rest with
a common sense approach, helped give me that extra little confidence
I needed to remain calm and focused during the presentations. I was
able to relax and really absorb the enjoyment I received from sharing
information with others. The techniques and tools I have received from
Dr. Wu have crossed over to other areas of my life and will be a sustaining
method of focus and enjoyment for years to come! Dr.
Wu has helped me with motivation and goals. I noticed when I've started
my sessions, I was low on self confidence, mostly because I was giving
myself unreachable goals; of course I only started to recognize this
after Dr. Wu pointed it out. Now that my sessions are complete I feel
happier, and more my self. I know now when I set myself up for failure
by recognizing that there are some goals not important enough to fret
over and cause worry. I feel like I have the tools and capability to
reach any goal I'l like to achieve; given it is something that will
benefit me. I know now that I can do it. I feel much better about that. Issues
Dr. Wu helped me with included skin picking and bad diet. I stopped
picking my scalp immediately and have continued to not pick at my scalp
or skin. Dr. Wu helped me to start drinking a lot more water. She also
got me back to exercising 3 times a week. Dr.
Wu has helped me with audition/performance anxiety issues. The hypnotherapy
greatly helped with my ability to control my audition anxiety. The process
of controlled breathing or more awareness of my breath allowed me to
calm myself at the first symptoms of anxiety. The process of mentally
finding a power place for auditions and visualizing a successful and
joyful performance made the actual experience of auditioning more enjoyable.
I am very grateful for the help as many of my friends are on beta-blockers
but I have a natural healthy approach to dealing with anxiety. Dr.
Wu has help me quit smoking. I finally found something that worked for
my smoking. Have not wanted to smoke since. Really improved my work
situation and relationship. Never knew how time consuming smoking was
and how free I am. Dr.
Wu's guidance has helped me resolve certain anxiety issues I had. She
made me emphasize and put more energy into positive thoughts. Her hypnotherapy
techniques have made me at ease with my self. Her calming voice guided
me throughout the hypnotherapy session. Visualizing myself in calm,
serene environment is a technique I will now use for any sort of anxiety
that may come up. Thank you Dr. Wu for all your help and guidance!! Shelley
is very knowledgeable and provides wonderful guidance and understanding
in yoga that encourages me to continue practicing for years to come.
Thank you! I
truly believe that with the guidance from Dr. Wu, you are in control
of your own thoughts and actions. I've learned how to react more rationally
to situations and people. More importantly, I've learned how to channel
negative emotions into positive ones through the use of effective tools
Dr. Wu has shared with me. She has help me with how to dal with negative
thoughts and negativity in general. Comments:
We are in our 70s and are physically active. We thought we didn't need
to practise Yoga, until we had our first lesson with Dr. Wu. She demonstrated
how our range of motion was limited by lack of stretching exercise and
poor breathing habits. After 6 excellent sessions with her we have seen
significant improvements. Learning the history and concept of Yoga is
a great experience! Now we are looking forward to many Yoga practice
when we go back China! Dr.
Wu has helped me with stiffness in my neck and upper body as well as
my entire body. The stretching and relaxation have helped me get in
better touch with my body. I have learned to slow down and relax my
entire body especially in stressful situations, which I often am in.
Thank you! I
met Dr. Shelley Wu, with my wife, at a yoga class. One of my issues
is weight control, or I should say lack of weight control. I started
hypnotherapy May of 2004, and after three months I have lost 30 pounds,
about 21/2 pounds a week. I have more than this one issue; I also have
emotional issues, as many overweight (obese) people do. Dr. Wu has done
more to assist me on emotional issues than fourteen years of traditional
therapy. My treatment will take quite a while to correct the years of
poor eating; however I am sure Dr. Wu is the right person for me to
work with. I'm not a young person; I am 60. However I have learned so
much from Dr. Wu already that I am a much happier person, showing results
outside and in my heart. Shelley really cares about her patients, she
is more than a hypnotherapist to me, and she is my friend. I recommend
Dr. Shelley Wu with no reservation whatsoever. Shelley
helped me narrow down a particularly troubling issue that has been with
me for my life. She is gentle yet insightful, and served as the ideal
guide into my subconscious. This was a powerful experience I recommend
to anyone seeking to understand themselves on a deeper level. Dr.
Wu has helped me change diet. The sessions were very helpful. Dr. Wu
helped me sort out issues and identify weak points and strong points
in my approach towards my diet. Positive changes in my diet have occurred
thanks to Dr. Wu. Dr.
Wu has helped me with poor vision due to stress. I feel way more relaxed
now. I see my vision problems as an extension of other underlying issues.
I know what to do to relax now. Helping myself relax releases tension
and helps me to have more energy so that I am more effective at my daily
tasks. K.
was 12 years old when we sought assistance from Dr. Wu a few months
ago. K. was easily and greatly irritated and distracted by his excitable
and poorly-behaved middle school classmates, and his psychiatrist (K.
has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder) suggested meditation
as a source of relief. Dr. Wu taught K. meditation exercises by coaching
him through the process in an easy yet expert manner. He has been able
to duplicate the exercises at home which has enhanced his ability to
cope with his classmates. It has helped him even more to learn... that
it is possible to take control of his environment internally. Thank
you, Dr. Wu. Dr.
Wu has been wonderful. She has helped me to lose 10 pounds and increase
my confidence level. With Dr. Wu's help I know that I will continue
to lose weight and feel better about myself. I would highly recommend
her services and I plan on coming back to Dr. Wu periodically to continue
the positive changes that I have made with her help. Issues Dr. Wu helped
me with: Weight Loss & Self-Confidence. I
sought the services of Dr. Wu to learn how to keep focused, to find
balance, to enjoy the simple things, and most of all how to breathe.
In addition, I have learned how to listen to my body and control erratic
impulses that make some of my goals and efforts futile. I am exploring
different avenues of my mind that have never been traveled before. Lastly,
I'm seeking her assistance in eliminating my habits of poor language
(namely curse words). She has taught me on being a better father, husband
and person. Shelley
has a wealth of knowledge and is very proficient at sharing this with
her clients. She is an excellent role model for all women and I am grateful
to have worked with her to overcome my weight problems. I will continue
to attend her yoga classes because they are beneficial to my well-being.
I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance. Dr.
Wu has been a priceless influence in my personal quest for a healthier
and pain free life. She has been a wonderful addition to my weekly schedule.
Dr. Wu has taught me skills and exercises through our weekly yoga and
relaxation sessions that have allowed me to strengthen my back and live
a much more productive life. In fact, I am playing golf without any
pain for the first time in years. Thank you for all youve done
to improve my daily life! Dear
Shelley: I so much appreciate your warm sincere thoughtfulness. Not
only have you been a remarkably good instructor for yoga and hypnotherapy,
but also you have demonstrated your ability as a compassionate caring
person who truly takes pride in her profession and in the well-being
of her clients beyond the call of duty. Thank you so much for your honest
good energy. Dr.
Wu has helped me with anxiety which resulted in Panic Attacks. I'm so
excited by the results I've noticed after seeing Dr. Wu only after 4
sessions. This challenge in my life was affecting me professionally
and personally. I now feel calmer & relaxed in any type of situation.
I've decided to continue seeing her for yoga on a regular basis because
I know this will help me forever. Thank You Dr. Wu! I
have pain and uneven flexibility between my left and right side, particularly
in my hips. Dr Shelley Wu has helped me to strengthen and release tension
in that area. --- Jackie Gray, Bookkeeper/Artist I
found it easy to discuss my issues with Shelley and from there we were
able to work out a course of action. Shelley is very intuitive and seems
to have a genuine interest and compassion for what she does. Dr.
Wu has helped me to find ways to tune into my emotions, and therefore
relax both my body and mind when necessary. I have also greatly enjoyed
my weekly yoga sessions with Dr. Wu. I
have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager, yo-yoing up and
down. Through hypnotherapy I have been able to incorporate healthy eating
habits that have allowed me to maintain my weight effortlessly. I am
very excited about the prospect of living a healthy, balanced life without
the ups and downs on the scale. Dr.
helped me with weight loss and sleep. I had been at a breaking point.
I felt as if I was never going to get better. I had tried all diets,
therapy, ect. Dr. Wu helped me get in touch with what my body and mind
truly needed. I have begun losing weight and felt so much more confident
about my decisions in my personal and professional life. Dr.
Shelley Wu has been an eternal blessing in my life. She has enriched
my life not only physically, more importantly, emotionally and spiritually.
In working with her, I have obtained profound balance in my life. Her
guidance I once sought on a superficial level extended to a deeper understanding
of myself, which resulted in a strong foundation at this early stage
in my life. Acting as a sounding board, by which I could hear myself
think, my session with Dr. Wu revealed much about myself that I had
not chosen to face. Hypnotherapy with Dr. Wu has really helped with my eating habits. The suggestions that were given to me while in hypnosis have helped me in areas where my will power had always failed me. In
addition, through hypnosis, Dr. Wu has greatly improved my motivation
for achieving my career goals. I run my own consulting company, where
self-motivation is vital. My
yoga and guided imagery sessions with Shelley have been great. I can't
say enough about how much they have helped reduce my stress level and
develop a calming outlook on life. I have also done hypnotherapy sessions
on hypertension with Shelley. Her techniques as well as her soothing
personality are very effective. I have noticed results immediately. Shelley
has helped me overcome anxieties. Shelley has been very patient with
me in my yoga sessions, she has taught me a lot over the past few months.
I have been able to overcome some of my anxiety issues thru my yoga
sessions. I feel with more sessions more of my anxiety will go away.
I am looking forward to a long term yoga relationship with Shelley. Dr.
Wu was incredibly helpful and inspirational in helping me to quit drinking.
I had tried traditional methods before, including two different stints
with a medical clinic along with required AA meetings. This is the first
time I feel like I actually have a grasp on the root cause of my reasons
for drinking. Dr. Wu made me feel comfortable from the very beginning
in using hypno-therapy to reprogram my mind and to deal with past issues
that had been haunting me for years. I strongly recommend Dr. Wu as
a viable alternative to traditional methods for giving up alcohol. I travel 100% of my time for work and have gained significant weight over the last few years. I contacted Dr. Wu for hypnotherapy to help me control my weight gain. Dr. Wu has been instrumental in helping me identify areas where I could gain control over my poor eating habits, add a level of achievable exercise, and turn my evenings away from home into positive, healthy activities. Many
evenings I would sit in my hotel room, order room service and watch
television. I am now enrolled in language and yoga classes, and swim
whenever possible. I have also increased my intake of water and fresh
foods. Dr. Wu has helped me put a plan together to improve my health
and lifestyle and reinforced that plan with hypnotherapy. The hypnotherapy
and CD has been instrumental in keeping me aware of what I need to do
and why, plus helping keep me motivated. I am currently losing weight
at a healthy rate. Dr.
Shelley Wu has helped me with de-stressing, relaxation, transitioning
into effective physical workout, and being more happy. Dr. Wu has helped
me greatly through her effective combination of mind and body workout.
The physical part of the yoga, the stretches, the exercise, and the
building of strength and flexibility, have anchored the sessions and
given me something tangible to take away after each session. At the
same time, the meditation and guided imagery have helped me be happier,
consolidate a calmer state of mind, and feel at the same time younger,
and more accepting. I highly recommend Dr. Wu. Dr.
Wu was very helpful and insightful, bringing things to my awareness
that helped me let go of childhood issues and move forward into greater
confidence and success. She was very professional and thorough in understanding
my issues and helping to transform them. It was a pleasure working with
her - as a beginning Hypnotherapist, I learned a lot. For
Public Speaking and Golfing: "At Dr. Wu Hypnotherapy & Yoga,
the focus was to open my mindset and remove obstacles related to public
speaking and golf. I have noticed subtle differences and feel that I
have made progress and will continue to make progress going forward.
I am encouraged by the differences noticed." Dr.
Shelley Wu has helped me with: nutrition, weight loss, self-esteem,
alcohol abuse. I truly appreciate Dr. Wu's knowledge, wisdom, and guidance
in my search for a more healthy lifestyle. She is an expert in her field.
In addition to helping me achieve goals, Dr. Wu has helped me gain confidence
and a stronger inner peace. I will continue to see her for lifestyle
issues as I become even more fit and healthy in both mind and body.
Thank you, Dr. Wu. We
enjoy Shelley's yoga lessons very much. She is patient and nice. Most
important of all, I can feel that my body is changing. My muscle tone
is feeling better. I actually feel younger! Thank you, Shelley. Dr.
Wu was very accommodating to my requests for special language patterns.
I felt a strong rapport and enjoyed working with her. I recommend her
to anyone seeking to change behaviors with hypnosis. I was experiencing difficulty sleeping and waking up several times throughout the night. Dr. Shelley Wu taught me to hypnotize myself prior to going to sleep so that I could get a complete night's sleep without any pain. Since I have been practicing her technique, I sleep soundly. Also when I am experiencing pain during the day in my lower back, I have also applied her technique and it has effectively eliminated the pain and made my life much more manageable. I
truly recommend Dr. Wu as an experienced and knowledgeable hypnotherapist. One
session quit smoking hypnotherapy worked! Thanks. For Self-esteem: "In the past several weeks, I feel much more confident in my ability to speak in from to large crowds. I have learned techniques to overcome anxieties over public speaking, as well as dealing with difficult situations/people. I have also leaned techniques to reduce anxiety and stress from my daily activities. I
enjoyed the hypnosis process, although I was skeptical at first before
I stared my sessions. I also enjoyed our discussions on why and how
things have developed in my childhood that have manifested as an adult.
The one area which I feel I have had the least amount of benefit from
is trying to deal with being obsessed with what others think about me.
Dr. Wu has taught me a simple technique to work on this." The
hypnotherapy was a good springboard in helping me overcome my internal
issues with adding meat into my diet after so many years of being a
vegetarian, while I ma not a complete "omnivore" just yet,
I have been able to slowly venture to try chicken and sushi. Since so
much of what stops me from not being a vegetarian is my own internal
dialogue, the hypnotherapy, I believe, aided in changing some of those
thought patterns. With
Dr. Wu's help I have been able to relax a lot better, with less stress.
I can definitely feel the difference. |
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